Welcome to the sub-Saharan Africa feeds composition database
The sub-Saharan Africa feeds composition database (‘SSA Feeds’) provides information on the nutritive value of livestock feeds in sub-Saharan Africa. The purpose of putting these data into the public domain is to enable the extension, development and research community to design scientifically-based and best-cost rations for meat, dairy and draught animals of small-scale African farmers. As their livestock assets are healthier and better nourished, these farmers become more food-secure and are able to increase their income from animal products.
‘SSA Feeds’ currently provides information on the nutritive value of 72,141 samples of 966 livestock feeds from 23 countries. The samples have been analysed at the Animal Nutrition Laboratory of the International Livestock Research Institute in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The database will be updated with new samples as the data become available; this was last done on 08/02/2023.